
Apr 25

In this help file there is all you ever need about Nokia phones. There is detailed information with pictures and step by step instruction of everything zou need.


Nokia's smartphones pack a powerful computer into a very small space. Unlike your desktop or laptop, your smallest computer can be connected to the Internet all the time, and can interact with the world around it through its camera, voice recognition, and its traditional phone keypad. Nokia smartphones combine these features with impressive storage options and a host of networking protocols that make this smallest computer the only thing a road warrior truly needs.

If you're still cracking open your laptop or pining for your desktop while you're on the road, you haven't begun to unlock your Nokia's full potential. Nokia Smartphone Hacks is dedicated to tricking out your smartphone and finding all the capabilities lurking under the surface. Learn how to:

Nokia secret codes [pdf]
Unlock your phone so that you can use it with any carrier

Avoid and recover from malicious mobile software
Watch DVD movies on the phone
Use the phone as a remote control
Use the phone as a data modem for your notebook
Check your email and browse the web
Post to your weblog from your phone
Record phone conversations
Choose mobile service plans
Transfer files between the phone and your computer

Whether you want to use your smartphone as your lifeline while you're on the road, or you're just looking for a way to make the most of the time you spend waiting in lines, you'll find all the user-friendly tips, tools, and tricks you need to become massively productive with your Nokia smartphone. With Nokia Smartphone Hacks, you'll unleash the full power of that computer that's sitting in your pocket, purse, or backpack.



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