100 Deadliest Karate Moves
100 Deadliest Karate Moves is a practical text for the martial arts student or teacher or those intrested in training themselves for self defence. It is soley meant to be used as a reference in practice.
Learn how to fight to the death utilizing the 100 most lethal kicks, shutos and blows known to the world's greatest karate masters. More than 100 dramatic photos cover snap kicks, heel kicks, vital points of the head and chest, shutos, palm heels, ridge hands and streetfighting with karate.
This book has compiled moves in such a manner that one can study the kicks and blows and then can see the exact technique and target area, with the resulting damage to the attacker. All blows and kicks must be delivered with the utmost speed and power in order to be effective.
Author Information
Dr. Ted Gambordella is one of the most Decorated and Awarded Martial Artists in the World. He is the first American Black belt to do a Comprehensive Weapons Manual. The Complete Book of Karate Weapons 1980. Still in print, one of the best selling Martial arts Weapons manuals in History. Also, he is the first American to write a book on KI. Injury prevention. Endorsed by a lot of prestigious US universities and dozens of high schools. Still the only book on Hard KI. Finally, he is the best selling American Martial Arts author in America in the 1980?s.
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16 years ago
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